Importance Of A Self-Care Routine for College Students
Without a doubt, College can certainly be overwhelming and stressful. Catching up on lecture notes, scrambling to complete assignments before the 11:59 pm deadline, not to mention being worried about any tuition fees that you may have outstanding. Despite the challenges of college (that I will help you to overcome) one way we can manage the constant ups and downs of college is to practice and maintain a “self-care routine.”
In these articles, I will help you to manage the daily stresses in college, the academic pressures and still be able to take care of your physical and mental being. Self-care is important for student mental health. Maintaining a consistent routine ensures you are taking time to focus on yourself, staying healthy, and having relaxation time.
In college, it’s easy to neglect our well-being because of academic pressures. I know this because I have struggled with maintaining a consistent routine while focusing on my studies. If you are struggling to do this, I am here to help. I hope that these articles will help you to prioritize yourself and appreciate the benefits that come with it.
Happy Reading! Remember that “Self-Care Is Not Selfish.”