Effective Ways to ACE Your Next Exam
We are told that we have to study to pass our college exams, but the truth is, no one really teaches us how we should study. Sitting down with a textbook, and highlighting my way around, isn't the most effective way. Then what exactly are effective ways of studying and ACTUALLY remembering what we studied?
Let's get started on Effective Ways To Ace Your College Exams.
1. Be An Active Learner During Class.
Paying attention in a 3-hour class is hard. No doubt about that. There you are listening to your professor rambling about the several phases of the cell cycle. *phone vibrates* you take a look and see that ‘The ShadeRoom just spilled some tea’. Now, for the rest of the class, you are busy reading about some tea. Next day, ‘Pop Quiz!’. You are completely unaware of the different phases of the cell cycle.
Staying alert in lengthy classes can feel like torture, but you will thank yourself if you start getting into the habit from now. During classes, don’t use your phone or mindlessly mess around, instead pay attention and actually learn the material by asking questions, actively taking part in class discussions by sharing your thoughts or ideas.
2. Revise and Review Your Notes After Class.
After your class is over, it’s good to take a little break, especially if it was a long class. Go ahead and refill your coffee and stretch your legs. Afterward, head to a quiet space and spend a few minutes reviewing your notes. You can do this for 20, 30, 45 minutes or even an hour. By doing this, you can significantly reduce the time needed to relearn the information when you need it. Getting into the habit of reviewing right after class will improve the quality of learning in the future.
Pro Tip: Try handwritten notes rather than typing them out. When you write notes by hand, it requires you to store the information you are learning longer in your mind, thus training your short-term and long-term memory. And the more you use your memory, the better it will get. When you write your notes, you develop a stronger understanding than just typing them out.
Give it a try if you haven’t.
3. Use The Study Guides.
Study guides help you to summarize class material. If your professor gives you a study guide, please take full advantage of it. Your professors make those guides and this is an easy way of finding out how the questions will be structured on the actual exam. Ensure you answer all the questions given and study that as well.
Some professors will even give you advice in answering those questions and tell you what type of answers they are looking for. If your professor is willing to do this, then do it.
4. Practice Active Recall.
Using active recall is one of the MOST effective ways to study and retain information. This study technique is extremely powerful in learning because it constantly makes your brain retrieve specific information whenever you need it. Active recalling helps to strengthen your ability to retain information and connect the dots to the right concepts.
But how should you practice this technique? Start out with a question, maybe a question from your study guide.
Don’t look at your notes ….. No peeking.
It’s okay to struggle with it. This is going to be difficult as you’re trying to retrieve information but try your best. Use that cognitive ability of yours.
Once you have tried to answer, take a look at your notes. How did you do? This part is important. Here is when you want to fill in any gaps in your understanding and address them immediately. Acknowledge your mistakes and correct them.
Repeat this at different time intervals. For example, after a day or two days.
Once you start actively learning and recalling your notes, your grades will increase!
5. Study With A Friend
Studying with friends is fun. But maybe sometimes, it's too fun. But having a friend to help you study is quite beneficial. It improves your mood to study and makes learning more enjoyable.
Have a friend quiz you on certain concepts. Not only would this be fun, but it will also help you to practice active recalling.
6. Teach Yourself Out Loud
Before you say it, no, it’s not crazy to talk to yourself out loud. This way can actually help you to learn. Instead of silently reading something, try speaking it out loud.
You would be surprised with how much information you’re able to remember when you have spoken it loudly.
Maybe don't try this in a crowded space or library.
7. Seek Assistance from a Tutor.
At first, it might seem strange or intimidating to get a tutor. But seeking help from tutors can help you to strengthen your knowledge of concepts and build learning skills. A tutor encourages a form of higher-level thinking and teaches to fit your learning style.
Tutors can even explain difficult concepts taught by your professors in a simpler way for you to understand.
If you can’t afford a tutor or your school doesn’t offer a free tutoring center, then you can always use the free resources provided on Youtube. There you will find a number of students (just like you) and professors willing to teach you concepts, all free of charge.
8. Get Some Sleep
We all are guilty of procrastination and cramming the entire semester into one night. (I know I am, Guilty As Charged!)
But the truth is, this isn't beneficial for us. It actually makes us forget 10 times more in an exam. You won’t retain anything. What’s the best thing to do then? Plan a schedule? Absolutely! But not as important as Getting Enough Sleep.
Sleep? College? Sounds weird right?
Yes, I hate to break it to you, but you need to get some sleep. Sleep helps to consolidate the information that we have learned in that day. A good night's sleep can pay off even the night before an exam. Sleep helps to optimize alertness.
So, please please please (and many more pleases) ensure that you get a good night’s rest before the day of your exam and you will definitely ace that exam.
Put the phone away and dream sweet dreams before that Calculus Exam.
I hope you enjoyed this list of effective ways to ace your next exam. If you do follow these steps, you are on the right path to acing all of your courses.
All The Best!
Happy Studying!
Our Content Is Always Being Updated With Effective Ways To Study.